Sunday, December 2, 2012


A week or so ago I sent out a challenge on my Facebook page. A few people commented on it but no one actually said if they took up that challenge or not. It was simple and fell along the lines of the idea of paying it forward.

We read now and then about people who do some random act of kindness for someone and are amazed that something like this can take place in this day and age. It doesn't have to be some grandiose gesture where someone gets say millions of dollars from some benevolent philanthropist. It can be something as simple as pulling up to the window at McDonalds  and discovering that the person in front of you has paid your bill. No one requires you to do anything in return, they just do something nice for you. 

So back to Facebook. I challenged the people on my Facebook friends to do a random act of kindness that week. Perhaps I wasn't clear about it so I plan on doing it again. What I was hoping was that it would start a random act of kindness wave and that they would share with me what they did. Those acts of kindness would then inspire other to do random acts of kindness as well and it would just multiply outward. Wouldn't that be a wonderful world to find yourself in, where people were just nice to each other for no reason or gain.

So lets try it here as well. I challenge everyone who reads this to do one random act of kindness and then tell us about it in the comments area. Yes, you can actually leave comments here! If you can't then email me at and use the subject (all caps please) RANDOM ACT. If for some reason you can't post it I will. 

Let me start the ball rolling with something small and simple (though I've done other things recently as well). I was in line at McDonalds today on the way home from church. The line was getting to be a decent sized line. Off to my right I see a car and a guy asking if he can move forward. Now this car has been sitting there for a while so he may just have wanted out to leave. Then again maybe he wanted to cut in line because he forgot something or they messed up his order. I could have been a jerk but instead waved at him to go ahead. He opted for a third choice I hadn't considered. He moved forward into a parking space across the way because he was taking his wife and kids inside. The random act of kindness caused me not one red cent and this family was able to get into McDonalds easier than from where they were parked. And with two little kids that means something.

That same visit gave me a chance for a second random act of kindness. Once more McDonald's screwed up my order. Now if you know me you know I am one to take them to task when they do so. Yes, I am the angry customer when you mess up my order that I paid for. A quarter pounder with mustard and ketchup only was what I ordered and what the screen and my ticket said. What I got had pickles and onions on it. I HATE onions and am don't like pickles on my burger. I could have called. Instead I said forget about it, picked them off and enjoyed my lunch. While whoever answers the phone at McDonalds doesn't know it, they received the gift of a random act of kindness. LOL.

So there you have it, two examples of a random act of kindness that took no time or effort on my part. What have you done today? What will you do? Let me know.

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