Sunday, December 9, 2012


On my facebook page Kurt Deffenbaugh posted a youtube video about Harry Chapin and I commented back that there seemed to be a lack of actualy storytellers in music these days. Now don't get me wrong, I know there are some out there. But for some reason it seems as if the 70s produced some of the greatest storytellers of all time. Chapin was one of them. His "WOLD" was heartbreaking to here the story of a man who spent his life in radio only to lose his family. "Sniper" was another telling the story of a sniper who climbs a tower to shoot people from his perspective, why he did so.

Then there was Jim Croce. How can you not listen to "Operator" and not realize how heartbroken this person singing is? His humorous songs were fantastic too. I still laugh listening to "I Fell In Love With A Roller Derby Queen". 

Tonight played a tribute concert to another great song writer, John Denver. So many will remember him only for his exclaiming "Far out!" all the time or because he seemed like such a Boy Scout at times. To do so is to truly discount the tremendous songwriting ability and storytelling ability he had as well. When I think back to Denver's songs I think of several things. I think first of all about how he painted this amazing picture in my mind with his words and music of a beautiful untouched land out west that I longed to see. Secondly I think about my friend Ray who was such a fan and who got me listening to him again. And lastly I think of my grandmother. She was from West Virginia and she loved it. She also love the Denver song "Country Road". The lyrics of that song touched her and in so doing touched me as well. So this one's for you Grandma.

Another Denver song touched me deeply. I had heard it and the melody always seemed sad. It took on new meaning when I heard it again on what was supposed to be the last episode of MAGNUM P.I.. Magnum was shot to death and you see him walking towards Heaven in his dress whites. That got me to thinking and to listening to the lyrics. It still brings out emotion in me when I hear it. Enjoy.

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