Thursday, January 10, 2013


I've been reading all sorts of posts on Facebook and reading news stories about this whole gun control issue and it stuns me. What is so surprising is that instead of actually confronting the issues that cause the problems associated with the attacks that have occurred over time we continue to attack inanimate objects as if they cause the problems rather than the problems people have that cause these shooters to go nuts.

There have been tons of comparisons of the number of deaths caused by doctors per capita versus guns. When those statistics, or others are brought up we're told it's not the same. Well...actually...yeah, it is the same. If all you're talking about is death cause by something or someone then yes, it is the same.

I've watched the media out there doing there best to blame everything under the sun on guns as well. I'm surprised that we haven't heard that gun oil is the leading cause of cancer. They've taken their stand on the issue and don't intend to shed any real light on the subject, just their viewpoint which is we need to get rid of guns. Amazingly enough all the stories about deaths by crazed shooters that make the news are those where a large number of victims occur. The most surprising thing about this though, which of course they neglect to tell you, is that the majority of these take place in gun free zones, areas where people aren't allowed to carry guns. On the other hand in areas that AREN'T gun free zones where crazed lunatics open fire, the body count is incredibly small, more often than not just one or two people, because someone there was carrying a gun and stopped the lunatic. Notice I said lunatic and not the gun. I'll say it again, the gun killed no one. I also want you to pay strict attention to what i said. When the body count is low due to someone carrying a gun stopping the shooter, the news refuses to cover that story. When a shooter kills many because no one was there to stop them they're all over it. Selective reporting anyone?

They do the same thing with statistics. The easiest way to explain it is to provide a link here to ebaumsworld. Normally they're just funny or weird items but this guy provides some interesting thoughts about how the media twists the figures the way they want them to appear.

Wouldn't it be nice if people would just tell the truth? Wouldn't it be even better if rather than try to push an agenda or give aid and comfort to a select political side that the people behind the news would simply state the facts? I'm not sure I've ever seen that in my lifetime. I'm almost certain it happened with Walter Cronkite before he went off about the Vietnam War. The worst thing now is that every journalist wants to be Woodward and Bernstein, the two reporters who broke the Nixon/Watergate story. They all want to be stars. They all want the headlines to include their names for breaking the story. Rather than report the actual news, they want to become celebrities. This just makes the news that much more fabricated. It's why their viewership has declined and yet they won't admit it.

So gun control? If you trusted the news people you'd think there were no laws in place already. There are plenty of laws already on the books. Taking guns out of the hands of lawful owners won't solve the problem. It will give a big assist to criminals who don't carry lawful firearms but who are the first to have illegal weapons on hand. 

i don't own a gun and have never even fired one. That's not to say the day might come when I choose to buy one. I think I'll wait until I'm sure my wife has no idea where it is so she doesn't use it on me first. The thing is if I chose to protect myself by owning one I have that right as guaranteed by the Constitution. Scarier than not owning a gun is thinking about what Biden has said about using an executive order to take them out of everyone's hands. All these executive orders just make me wonder how the Democrats would feel if a Republican were in office doing these same things? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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