Tuesday, January 22, 2013


There are some thing in this world that just don't seem to make any sense. The top of the list for me is politicians. They claim one thing and then do another or do one thing and then claim another. It's as if they can't help themselves.

Let's take this whole issue of gun control. Yeah I know I've said a lot about it before but this just said a lot to me when I read it. These politicians are all talking about how many deaths occur because of guns in this country, especially with assault rifles. I guess they're getting their facts from Piers Morgan rather than from their own FBI. 

According to the FBI "More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year than Rifles According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle." And yet we don't have new laws going into effect saying that we should outlaw hammers and clubs. 

So maybe it's not just guns, maybe its assault weapons that we have to worry about. Yeah, that's the ticket. It's assault weapons that need to be removed! We need to make sure criminals don't have the tons of assault weapons that are owned in this country and use them to kill people! But here again the FBI facts don't match the fiction tossed out by these politicians. Once more according to the FBI "Citing a survey of 203,300 state and federal prisoners who were armed during the crime for which they were incarcerated, “fewer than 1 in 50, or less than 2 percent, used, carried, or possessed a semiautomatic assault weapon,” said the report."

Hmm. So criminals aren't using assault weapons to kill people. Then why the furor to ban assault weapons? Maybe it's because of the huge number of killings that are caused by assault weapons! That's surely the reason, right? Well there are only 158 ‘assault’ weapon homicides a year. That must be a lot of deaths because of assault weapons and thus we need to get rid of them all! 

Well not exactly. According to the article that much of this info came from "Statistically, you have a 0.00005% of being killed with one of these weapons. That’s a 1 in over 2 million chance".  Hmm. That doesn't seem like a killing a day now does it.

As a matter of fact the National Safety Council says that you have a greater chance of being killed by these items than by an assault weapon:

"Suicide, falling, being a pedestrian, drowning, riding a bicycle, plane crash, electrocution, exposure to heat, cataclysmic storm, stung by bees, wasps, and hornets, earthquake, lightning, fireworks discharge or bitten by dog."

The thing is it isn't popular for a politician to come out in a news brief to say he/she wants to ban ladders, walking down a sidewalk, lakes and swimming pools, planes, electricity (even green produced electricity), insects, seismic shifts of the planet (yeah try and enforce that one), fireworks or dogs. 

But here's the big one, the goody if you will. According to these papers "

You are more likely to be tried, convicted, sentenced to death, and legally executed in the US by the penal system than to be shot with so called ‘assault’ weapons." Yes the same government who wants to outlaw guns so you can't be killed with them is more likely to kill you than the same gun they want to outlaw. See what I mean about making sense?

Come on, there are ways to solve this problem. I have no problem with them making people wait for a background check to be able to purchase guns. I have no problem with eliminating gun shows where you can purchase a gun without that same background check. But to say you want to outlaw the sale of a particular gun or clip because you want to save lives is nothing more than a bold faced lie. So why not cut the crap and actually do your job for once there in Washington. Stop play acting for the cameras, stop saying feel good things just to get elected year after year after year and try and do some good for the people who sent you there. It would be nice after the decades of BS politicians to find at least one who would actually be honest.

Here is a link to the article that burned my biscuits and got me started on this rant. LOL.

Surprising Ways You Are More Likely To Die Than By Being Shot By ‘Assault’ Weapons

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