Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I can't quite understand why politicians have such short term memory problems. It's like the only thing they can think about is what's right there in front of them. Unless it's finding a way to take Federal funds back to their home state, they only remember the most immediate of things. I sometimes wonder if they turn on the TV each night so they can no what to talk about the next day rather than have opinions of their own. Then again what they are supposed to be doing is what their constituents back home want, not what they personally want. Doesn't happen that way though does it?

Politicians always seem to forget just what has happened in the past. They always look at the present. And they all just seem to think that whatever happened in the past has nothing to do with today. It's aggravating to think about how THEY think! Remember the day after 9/11? They all stood on the steps of the Capitol and swore that they were unified. Before the end of the week they were looking for someone to blame. 

The worst offenders are those that think we don't need to protect our country. They seem to think that if they go to the United Nations and ask everyone to sing a round of "Khumbaya" that everything will be hunky dory. Nuclear weapons? Why sure anyone who stood against us didn't dare shoot anything off because they knew that retaliation would come their way. That's what kept everyone from going into a nuclear war (with the exception of perhaps Kruschev at one time). Lets dismantle the military because Heaven knows once we do that everything will be fine right? I mean the only reason anyone has any hostile ideas in their heads is because we keep picking on them, right?

What idiocy! They don't mess with us for one reason. To do so would result in making sure that we made sure they didn't do so again. Again think back to 9/11. We didn't turn planes into bombs in their country, they did it here. And the fact of the matter is that terrorists continue to attempt to do so to this day. Haven't these politicians who want to dismantle the military realized this yet? Are they that stupid? 

Does it need to be fixed and wasteful spending cut? Absolutely. But the same can be said of everything done in Washington. Why start with the military, something that is what the government is actually supposed to be in charge of and making sure stays intact as opposed to entitlements which aren't there.

After seeing SKYFALL this summer I've gone back and started reading the actual James Bond books written by Ian Fleming. One needs to keep in mind that these books were written some 60 years ago now. The latest I've read is MOONRAKER and no, it's nothing like the movie. Toss the movies aside when your read the books. In it Fleming had a line that stunned me. This book was written in 1955, two years before I was born, and Fleming knew then how ridiculous politicians were. The line is:

"These politicians can't see that the atomic age has created the most deadly saboteur in the history of the world - the little man with the heavy suitcase"

In essence he was talking about a dirty bomb back in 1955! So how do politicians think we should protect ourselves? Dismantle the military to start with. Secondly we should make sure the TSA is responsible for not allowing a bomb into this country. How do they accomplish this? By making sure they don't offend anyone with some sort of profiling and searching grannies bloomers for a bomb. 

I'd say a screening process for IQs should be required to be a Congressman or Senator but those can worthless too. Instead why not a test for common sense? Then again how many currently in office would be allowed to stay?

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