Saturday, December 15, 2012


I didn't jump on the bandwagon and weigh in on the whole shooting in CT thing on Facebook. I watched and waited. I saw tons of people sending out prayers for those senselessly killed. I said my own private prayers with those. Unfortunately it seems we are a reactive society instead of a proactive one.

The worst of the worst has come out since the shootings and I'm talking about both sides. The left has suddenly begun screaming again as they do every time that this is all about gun control. This has left open the door for the right to scream about how the left wants to take away everyone's freedoms. Both sides should shut up a minute and realize that this was a tragedy and show some respect for those who died. For those of you who have already posted anti-gun propaganda shame on you. Don't say it's because if more gun control were in place this would not have happened. There was more to this than access to guns.

I don't own a gun. I don't want to. I do think people should have the right to own them though. As for machine guns maybe not. Maybe we should put a limit on those sorts of things. But when you rant and rave, jump up and down and scream that all guns should be taken away you lose the argument. And when you do so using the bodies of a group of children to make your point you lose big time with me and with a huge number of Americans who don't like seeing the deaths of children used for political purposes.  Get over yourself, get over your cause and step back to take a look at the real tragedy here.

Some will say if there were stricter gun laws this wouldn't have happened failing to realize that when someone is mentally disturbed they will find a way to accomplish their goals of destruction no matter what barriers you place in front of them. The other side will say that if more people had guns this person would have been stopped before he harmed as many as he did. I say again, would you both stop and take into account the tragedy before you use these dead bodies to promote your own personal agenda?

Some may call me right wing because of certain things I post. Those same people have never seen the number of items I refused to post because I thought they were in poor taste, because they were insulting or because I thought they went too far. Those same people posted things that I would have included in those categories while at the same time claiming they were open minded. They are now posting all sorts of prepared propaganda about gun control. Shame on you. Shame on you for using a tragedy for your own purposes.

I would hope everyone would make a pledge not to do the same. I make one here. I will not forward or share anything that tries to make a political issue out of this tragedy. If I do or do not believe in gun control I will talk about it with my beliefs and why I believe the way I do, not use the deaths of children to make my point. If you believe this as well then pass this on. Share it. It's about time someone stood up to fully paid propagandist on both sides and said enough is enough. Ignore them and offer a prayer to the families and those affected by this tragedy instead.

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