Wednesday, November 3, 2021



It’s November 3, 2021 and the elections for this month/year are over. Glenn Youngkin (R) has beaten Terry McAuliffe (D) for the governorship of VA. This is a heavily Democrat state where Biden supposedly won the election by 10% only a year ago. The Democrats are saying this is not a reflection of Biden’s failure as a President. The Republicans are saying that it is.

Throughout the campaign the Democrats focused on one issue: Trump. It was what they talked about most. When President Biden went there to campaign he mentioned Trump repeatedly but never mentioned any accomplishments he or McAuliffe had achieved. President Obama went in and told the people of VA that the culture war didn’t actually exist, it was created by the Republicans. VP Harris came in and campaigned for him. So did GA heavy hitter Stacy Abrams. And yet he lost.

On the other hand Youngkin never talked about Trump and didn’t even campaign with him. He talked about the concerns that the voters of VA had. This included the handling of the border, the rise in crime, cancel culture and the determination of school boards to insert critical race theory into schools.

The difference in views between the two on schools was jarring. McAuliffe did what any Democrat would do. He said that he would increase teacher’s pay. He showed he could care less what voters and parents think saying "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach." Then again teachers unions almost exclusively donate money to Democrat candidates.

Youngkin sides with the parents. He made note of what the fact that critical race theory is yet another attempt to pit one group against another. It’s yet one more example of the Democrats trying to create an us versus them mentality. All the while schoolboards were claiming that they were in fear for their lives. They and the teacher’s unions sent letters to the President asking for him to start an investigation into parents who were upset by their actions. Unfortunately for President Biden it came out that these letters were instigated by his own White House as they asked both groups to make this request so they could assign AG Garland to instruct the FBI to look into the parents. This is a throwback to the Obama administration politicizing a government branch as they did targeting right leaning groups by the IRS.

So what can we take away from this election? If you ask Biden he says it’s because his Build Back Better initiative hasn’t been passed yet. He ignores his performance as President in the whole matter and says that has nothing to do with anything. This after saying a few days ago that America has the strongest returning economy in the world…despite the fact that both Indian and China are showing more growth. He says things like more people have had the vaccine since he took office; well since the first vaccine was administered on December 14, 2020 and he took office January 20, 2021, about a month later I hope so. That’s almost 10 months compared to one. And the numbers aren’t decreasing.

The wise Democrats are realizing that the goose that laid the golden egg, or in this case the orange goose, can no longer be used to win an election. At a time when gas prices are at least a dollar more than what they were a year ago, when inflation shows no sign of slowing down, when the border is porous, when murders in this country are on the rise people no longer want to hear “orange man bad”. He’s been gone for 9 months how can any of this be his fault? Especially when anyone can see what policy measures have been put in place that have created these things.

The border: Biden eliminates all items put in place by President Trump without looking to see which ones worked. During his campaign he also told people come on in. The results was an increase in people crossing the border illegally. He tried to say this was just a seasonal thing but the numbers showed the numbers were higher than in the pass. Then he recently decided to pay all these people who entered ILLEGALLY $450,000 each because they were separated from family members while breaking the law in the way they entered the country.

Crime: As activists and protesters complain there are thousands of young blacks in this country being killed by white police officers they called out for an elimination of police forces and defunding the same police departments. This in spite of the fact the facts. Facts like black criminals were more likely to be shot by black officers than whites. Facts like the numbers aren’t there to back up the claim. As the claim was made the facts showed there were perhaps 100 blacks killed by police officers at the time and that most of them were either trying to take the officer’s gun when shot, trying to run over them with a care or other violent acts. At the time the claim was made there were only two, count them, two incidents where the police were guilty of misconduct in a shooting death and both resulted in charges brought against those officers.

Gas prices: When Biden took office the average cost of a gallon of gas was 2.47. Today it is 3.39. Before he took office America was self-sufficient for the first time when it came to gas. Those on the left will tell you that Biden had nothing to do with this, it is due to a shortage on the supply side. This ignores the fact that he shut down two pipelines when he entered office. And while he’s called on our country to commit to stop using fossil fuels he’s encouraged those in the Middle East to increase their output and agreed on Putin putting a pipeline in Russia.

Activism right and left: As riots and buildings continue to burn across the country the Biden administration does nothing to prevent them. They don’t hold organizations like BLM or Antifa responsible for any of it despite their fingerprints everywhere. Instead they continue to push the concept that the most dangerous groups facing our country are white supremacists. This despite there being no white supremacists staging rallies or destroying property or people anywhere. And if you’re a parent concerned about what your children are being taught, the Biden administration considers you a threat as well. So much so that they’ve called on the AG and FBI to investigate parents who are bold enough to speak on behalf of their children.

Foreign policy: Before he became President, Biden said that out allies were unhappy with us and he would re-establish our relationships with foreign countries. Now the French are unhappy with us because of our deal with Australia for nuclear subs. North Korea began testing missiles again. China launched a hypersonic missile. President Biden removes our troops from Afghanistan in a catastrophic failure removing the troops first rather than last and leaving behind a number of US citizens and Afghanis who helped us who would now face execution; his response was that this was Trump’s fault because he committed us to withdrawing troops from there by May (which he said as he began withdrawing them in August 3 months after that “deadline” while ignoring the Trump plan that called for troops to be withdrawn last rather than first; it also ignored the fact that a vast number of other items put in place by Trump he either ignored or rescinded).

In 2020 candidate Joe Biden ran as a moderate Democrat. Once in office that was tossed out the window and he showed his far left ideas and put them in place. Yet another lie to get where he wanted to be. Or at least to get the Democrats in power. And to retain power they’ve done all they could from trying to eliminate the filibuster (which they used often) to claiming voting rights were being destroyed by the right when in fact they were making things easier to vote. At least legally.

So what can we take away from the elections this year? Well for one Democrat strategists are today talking about how they need to stop talking about Donald Trump. It’s done nothing to help them. But that won’t be easy since there are almost no accomplishments that can be seen as positive since Biden took office. More bad things have actually happened in almost 10 months than the entire 4 years Trump was in office. My guess is we will see more lies told about opponents and more attempts at changing voting rules.

The Republicans may be celebrating now but they need to keep the push on rather than bask in the wins. They need to continue to stand up for things they believe in such as not teaching CRT or allowing pornographic books into schools. They need to clean up police forces and eliminate the bad apples and show this is being done. They need to prove they have a better plan for all of the things that Biden has ruined since taking office. And they need to not sit down but to work hard to win the midterms and take back both the House and the Senate.

They say you can’t blame all of the bad things that happen on just one President. The mass media tried to prove that wrong for 4 years of Trump by turning any good news into bad and consistently blaming him for everything. Now they claim none of these problems are because of Biden. But they’re finding it’s not near as easy to make something as terrible as the Biden administration look like it’s doing something good. It would be nice if they were just impartial. It’s time they were ignored and people did their due diligence in what is actually taking place.