Child at 38 weeks.
The more I think about this the more it troubles me. Gov. Andrew
Cuomo, a leading member of the Democrat Party, this week said that he refused
to sign the state budget for the upcoming year until lawmakers approve a bill
that would make it legal to have an abortion for any reason up until birth.
Hillary Clinton stood beside him at the event where he made a pro-abortion
So here is what the bill means. At present you have to be a
licensed physician to perform an abortion and only up to 24 weeks or 6 months
(still too long in my eyes). With this bill any licensed health care provider
acting in "good faith" would be able to perform an abortion at any
time up until birth.
The bill has been stalled in congress in New York State since it was
introduced in 2007 by Republicans but Democrats now have a majority. Sen.
Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D) who introduced the bill in 2007 said "This is
only the beginning of the protections that we will have for our women, for our
environment, criminal-justice reform, education — the list goes on. But in
January, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we will make our statement, we will
make our mark."
Even Kelly Brunacini, a member of the Feminists Choosing Life of New York board of directors and a Democrat is concerned about this. She said in an op-ed "The vast majority of Americans, including in New York, oppose these late-term abortions. As a New Yorker, Democrat and feminist, I can't help but wonder what history will say about a people who allowed the legalized killing of fully formed human beings for the sake of exerting political dominance.” I wonder the same thing. What type of society are we where we have no problem with a fully formed child being killed and calling it an abortion rather than murder?
At 8-9 months we’re not talking about someone who was raped or who no one knew it was a case of incest, the most common talking points used initially by pro-abortion groups. Ignoring the fact that those types of cases are rare, this is now about changing your mind. If you’ve ever felt a child move in the womb, how could you not think of this as being a living individual? And now to say you have the “right” to kill this individual because of “equality”?
I’ve talked before about stair steps, how disaffected groups push for one small item only to push for another and another and another, working their way up steps to reach and ultimate goal. Abortion began with rape and incest victims. Then it became the right of someone to abort early on. Then it was a battle to get government funding to have an abortion. The terms changed with each battle with the length of months a woman could have an abortion extending each time. Now we’re faced with up to birth. And if you disagree it’s not that you are thinking of the welfare of the child or that you respect the sanctity of life, you’re depicted as trying to deny a woman “healthcare” or her rights to equality. But the steps never end.
When does it go beyond that? When do we allow a woman to abort her child once it’s out of the womb? Perhaps infanticide is nest, allowing women plagues by postpartum depression to kill their own children for the “sake of the mother’s mental health”. Will that then extend to the elderly? Will an elderly parent who places an economic burden on their children or the Medicare system be considered a problem that needs dealt with by denying them medical attention or medication? Maybe an “abortion” of said parent would take care of things.
How cheap life must be to those who feel that killing a child at 8-9 months is no problem but a “right” for the mother.