A recent survey said that 80% of Americans are sick and tired of
political correctness. Among the highest percentages of the groups were black
Americans, Native Americans and Hispanic Americans. And yet in spite of that we’re
still cow towing to the small, vocal, whiners who feel the need to force their
opinions on the rest of us. Suddenly after decades man size Kleenex is a gender
issue. In spite of the fact that of the 193 nations in the world the number of
countries where the average woman is taller than the
average man is zero. The ones have an average female weight greater than the
average male weight? Zero.
Gingerbread men
have been called that for as long as they’ve been made. But someone felt it was
inappropriate and now they have to be called Gingerbread people. Did anyone
notice they have no genitalia so what difference does it make?
Snow White is
saved from eternal sleep by Prince Charming with a kiss. But we have to be
offended because, in spite of the fact that she was unconscious until kissed,
she didn’t give him consent to kiss her. Really? A tender, loving moment with
zero groping, nudity, sex or anything of the sort is offensive?
Megyn Kelly was
just fired over making controversial statements. What did she say? While
discussing costumes for Halloween she said “This year, the costume
police are cracking down like never before…Isn’t the whole purpose of Halloween
to dress up and pretend you are something other than yourself?...You do get in
trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween, or a
black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween…Back when I was a kid, that
was okay as long as you were dressing up as, like, a character.” She then noted
that REAL HOUSEWIVES star Luan de Lesseps dressed up as Diana Ross for
Halloween including making her skin look darker saying I” thought, like, Who doesn’t love Diana Ross? She
wants to look like Diana Ross for one day; I don’t know how that got racist on
Halloween…It’s not like she’s walking around [wearing blackface] in general.”
Kelly was forced to make an apology the next day and then fired after that.
Amazingly enough comedians/TV hosts Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Fallon and Jimmie
Kimmel have all done skits where they actually wore blackface and none of them
were chastised or criticized for doing so.
Want to wear hoop
earrings ladies? Sorry, Pitzer College has decided that doing so was cultural
appropriation. So are certain kinds of eyebrows so watch it. Other stupid items
to be found on college campuses include students asking to be excused from an
exam because they didn’t have enough privilege to be able to handle it
emotionally, schools instructing professors to take into account the “emotional
commitment” that some students had made to protesting on campus instead of
doing work and grade them on a curve accordingly, the size of chairs was considered
a “microagression” to overweight students, Clemson University diversity
training taught participants that it was offensive to expect people to be on
time because “time may be considered fluid” in some cultures, math teachers
were instructed to teach their students how math has been historically used to
oppress people and students at a conference in England for The National Union
of Students were told to avoid clapping or cheering during speeches to avoid making
deaf people feel excluded (doesn’t that offend the blind people?).
The latest victim of political correctness? Apu, the Indian
shop owner on THE SIMPSONS (keep in mind it’s a cartoon) will be taken off of
the series because some people find him to be a stereotype. Ignore the fact
that he’s smarter than Homer Simpson, knows more American history than Homer
Simpson, is a hard working member of society and owns his own store. He has an
accent therefore he must be offensive! Ignore the fact that we have a Scotsman
with an accent, an alcoholic, a donut eating cop, a female horror host named
Booberella, a superhero named Duffman who loves beer, a stoner driving the
school bus, a children’s show sidekick who’s a murderer and more. By all means,
let’s oust the positive character because someone whines he’s offensive.
But to top off the stupidity of political correctness there
is this item. In October 2015, the University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin released
its annual list of banned, offensive words. Included among them was the phrase
“politically correct.” The campus deemed the phrase a “microagression” that
might hurt student feelings and suggested using “sensitive” instead. Yes being
politically correct is now politically incorrect. They were so offended by the
idea of being politically correct that they felt the need to make a politically
correct version of politically correct. Huh?
How about we all just stop being offended by every little
thing out there? Sure, there are times when people step over the line but they
are few and far between. And the fact of the matter is when someone does step
over the line most people tell them so. But to cow tow to every single thing in
the world that someone, somewhere might find offensive? The list is never
So the politically correct police have won another round. On
the air beginning December 17, 1989 and after 30 seasons the character of Apu
was deemed offensive by some whiner. All these years with no one being offended,
hurt or damaged by a cartoon character and suddenly he was deemed offensive. I’m
waiting apprehensively for the bowlegged to be offended by Yosemite Sam, by
those with speech impediments to be offended by Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and
Sylvester the cat, by anti-NRA folks to take on Elmer Fudd for hunting all the
time, by the sight impaired to be offended by Popeye constantly squinting, by
bulimics and anorexics to be offended by the sight of Olive Oyl, by those who
warn of obesity upset with Wimpy and the number of hamburgers he eats, by
someone who will think “scooby snacks” is code for drugs or by Donald Duck for
not wearing any pants.
R.I.P. Apu, you were a good character. Too bad some people
just thought of you as a negative stereotype as opposed to the positive one you